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5 posts tagged with "reactnative"

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Daniel Koprowski
Software Engineer & Tech Productivity Advocate

Managing forms in React Native is different than in web React. We don’t have shortcuts and HTML to register field through ref. I wanted to create a handy solution that satisfies those requirements:

  • easy to understand,
  • scalable,
  • reusable,
  • minor boilerplate,
  • hook centric.

After days of experiments, I managed to create a solution that made me satisfied. This article is a summary of my work. I believe this will be helpful to you.

Daniel Koprowski
Software Engineer & Tech Productivity Advocate

Below I describe my experience with session recording. I explain why I'm doing it, what tools do I use, what are the benefits, what data do we gather... Why is it a good idea to replay our users sessions and my I share personal thoughts about the topic. I also describe many use-cases from practical point of view that will help you quickly understand the benefits. Enjoy!

Daniel Koprowski
Software Engineer & Tech Productivity Advocate

I use VSCode full-time since 2016. Before that, I was using its "bigger brother" — Visual Studio IDE and I was looking for a lighter editor.

I would like to share with you the extensions that I have currently installed. I’m working as a React Native developer so JavaScript centric section will be the biggest one but not the only one!

Daniel Koprowski
Software Engineer & Tech Productivity Advocate

Very soon after start of creating first app every developer needs to render component in one way or another depending on props. When one start searching, the first answer is inside React documentation. The answer is “Conditional Rendering”. But after a while many of us starts facing errors in React Native (or wrong rendering in React for web) that seems to jump on occasionally to reappear some time later. This article will explain what is happening and how to prevent further mistakes.

Daniel Koprowski avatar
Daniel Koprowski
Software Engineer & Tech Productivity Advocate
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